Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Moment With Dandelion

If only you will come to me 
Before you wither off in the slightest of the wind
If only you will talk to me 
Of how much you desire to remain in this world.

Talk to me of the longings of your heart
And I am ready to hear your song for eternity
Do not stare at me without a blink
For the time has dwindled down to a few moments.

Tell me your dreams 
That we might paint them together,
Brush strokes with myriad colors 
And splendor that no one can loot.

The occasion is now or never;
I promise to be kind with you
And hold your hand and whisper a song 
Till you take off with the breeze.

- Swapna

Inspired by 3WW

Monday, February 14, 2011

Incandescent Eyes

Written for OSI prompt : Incandescent

Let the dreams chase me for one day
For I shall stay awake tonight;
A pair of incandescent eyes
In wait for your return.

There wont be roses to welcome you
Nor any fancy lighting along stone ways;
Only the wild flowers to adore your path
And stars shining down to guide you.

I am  brooding in darkness
What makes you late?
The incandescence shimmering with hope
That you arrive safe.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Dance with me

Here is my Valentine Special....

Dance with me when I sing
The song of my heart
With the chirping of birds and the whistling wind
And the soft thuds of my heartbeat.

Dance with me when I sing
With the brook splashing droplets over pebbles,
Low rustles of leaves heard like a slow whisper
And the rest of the world stands in awe around us.

Dance with me when I sing
Embrace me with the sheen of golden rays
Like the graceful morning sun
And I shall sing the desires of my heart.

- Swapna

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wait for love

Desolate hours trickle by
Memories stagnate
In the ebbing currents of time.

My wait has been long
Shadows  lengthened
Yet my hope is fresh as a dew drop.

My mind follows you incessantly
In pursuit of my love
Until I get an answer.

My mind is set
There is no going back
You are my destiny.

Forgive me dear
For I am lost in love
Blinded and impassive for the moment.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The fallen log

Sometimes nice photos inspire me to write poems. Here is one such

The Fallen log

I am a fallen log in the backwaters of memories
Slowly drifting to the ocean with waves of time
I try to swim but my hands fail
Feeling numb with cold around.

I drown in the tears of yesterdays
Did someone notice? I fear not
I wait, an infinite wait
For a hand to pull me back.

Strong arms for my rescue
I dream of a pair to hold me tight
And then did I see a flash
That you came for my rescue afterall.

It’s a lost fight for me
I lose myself every minute, every moment
I lie here submerged in thoughts
That grow endless, bigger than the ocean.

I wish I could grow wings
To fly from here like a mighty bird
To the shores that kisses the reality
And my present; And find my self.